From the top, students are required to complete online lessons in preparation for their resident training. Once distant learning lessons are completed students will have to make arrangements to attend the schools resident training. The resident training consists of hands-on training in industry standardized computer operating systems e.g. SABRE. The training is located at The Daytona Beach International Airport.
Continuing on, once students arrive at Daytona Beach they will meet the "house parents" Don and Terri. Don and Terri are a married couple that live on the premises and oversee the safety, security, and comfort of the students. During my stay, I witnessed Don and Terri displaying a style of management that was primarily authoritative with little or no regard to accountability or safety of which I'll recount an example I personally observed.
Within the first few days of my stay a fellow classmate was sick and was in need of medical attention. The ailing student requested a ride to the hospital from Don and Terri to receive urgent care . Don rejected the student's request and recommended that she could take the city bus to get to the hospital. Neither Don nor Terri offered to accompany this student to the hospital which in my opinion is utterly unacceptable. This example is just a scratch off the surface as I can recall several other instances in which both Don and Terri were out right offensive and injurious to others.
Anyhow, once a student arrives at the student housing, a security deposit of $50 is collected at check in. Students are informed of this procedure prior to their arrival. What the school doesn't tell you is how filthy the rooms are, once you check in. My room it was so filthy it was appalling. I found several dead roaches and ants on the floor and on the sills of the windows. Furthermore, the carpeting and tile in all of the rooms that I had witnessed were so deplorable that I didn't even want to walk on the floor barefoot. The carpeting was severely stained and dirty and the tile in the bathrooms had mold. As if that wasn't enough, during my entire stay everyone in my group was incessantly intimidated and everyone's deposit as well as their diplomas was employed to manipulate us even after graduating.
In the information packets students are only instructed to keep their rooms clean during their stay at the motel and that the rooms will be subject to inspection. However, a series of additional responsibilities are surprisingly bestowed upon the students at the housing which were never specified or explained in any depth or detail prior to their arrival. To add insult to injury once students do arrive at the housing they are subjected to unanticipated military style inspections on a regular basis. Student are unfairly graded on the quality of their living area, courtesy, dress and appearance. Such measures are used as a means to exploit students. A little FYI, students that don't stay at the housing are exempt from most of these rigorous conditions. However, due to mere logistics, if a student finds the housing conditions unacceptable upon their arrival they would find themselves in an unforgiving position. Before students are given sufficient time to learn about all of the undisclosed policies, procedures and conditions of the housing, they are obligated to sign all necessary paper work in order to check into the housing therefore, binding students to a contract. Because these practices are carried out unannounced prior to the arrival of the students, such conditions casts a different light on the student housing in contrast to the expectations that are mentioned in the information packets.
During my stay I had a room that leaked that was caused by a rain storm. The water profusely leaked from the top of a window sill directly onto an electrical outlet which was located on the floor soaking the carpet. Obviously this was a severe safety hazard. Anyhow, when I requested to change rooms and mentioned the safety hazard to Don and Terri they both immediately turned the situation around to make it sound like it was my fault and insisted that I move out on my own accord. Don gratuitously reminded me that moving out meant forfeiting the entire amount I spent on the housing with no hope of recovering a prorated amount. Needless to say moving out was out of the question under such consequences. In order to proceed forward my roommate and I were required to tidy up the room to a cleaner state than it was from when we first moved in. Before relocating into our new room I photographed the cleanliness and condition of the alternate room for documentation. Once again there were dead insects found on the floor, in the closet area and on all of the window sills. The dining table was completely covered with dust. Food smudges were found on the refrigerator door. The reason why I mention these conditions is because such infractions were amongst the list of violations for which one would risk losing a portion of his/her cleaning deposit required at check in.
Since my roommate and I occupied two rooms during our tenure we also had to clean two rooms to the specifications of cleaning list. Our prior experience made us privy to the cleaning list that nobody else in our group had exposure to but everyone was supposedly under contract to abide by. Personally, I found it to be very duplicitous that the cleaning list isn't issued out until the very last day for a final cleaning. According to the details of the cleaning list, every student's deposit is at jeopardy. As a matter of fact if one's room doesn't pass inspection after two attempts they lose their deposit entirely. Fortunately, no one from my group didn't lose their deposit, which was possibly due to the fair warning my roommate and I had given to everyone else.
In reference to The Airline Academy's academic curriculum in the classrooms, a large portion of the material that the school uses to teach it's students is severely flawed. There is an over abundance of grammatical errors that can be found on worksheets, quizzes/examinations and overhead presentations. Furthermore, the quality of legibility regarding some of the aforementioned material is so bad instructors constantly find themselves making compromises and or corrections.
As for interviews. The school reserves one day of every term for interviews with a handful of invited airline recruiters. Everyone from my group had the understanding that each and everyone of us would have an opportunity for an interview as long as an individual was not on probation for any reason. Most of the staff from the school vigorously prepped and prodded all of us on interviewing skills, conduct, dress and appearance. Many airline companies have an age restriction up to 21 and a little more than half of my cohorts were under that age. On the day of our interviews, all of the airline recruiters that were present had an age restriction due to their company's policies so most of the students from my group didn't get a chance for an interview. The school dubiously mislead everyone from my group with the premise that everyone would have an opportunity for an interview. However, to give credit where credit is due, The Airline Academy does make good on it's commitment by providing job placement assistance for it's graduates. Unfortunately, some of the school's methods are very questionable.
Once students have completed their academic curriculum and interviews they leave Daytona Beach and relocate to Orlando for a three day training course at Jet Blue in Orlando. Students quickly learn how archaic and out of sync The Airline Academy's training actual is in relation to genuine airline companies. Trainers from JetBlue are also very familiar with The Airline Academy's shortcomings whenever any student voiced their grievances about the school. One trainer even remarked how "The Airline Academy is still in the TWA days". Nevertheless, diplomas continue to be withheld and are used to manipulate students through the sustained use of the school's rigorous policies even after "graduating" until the JetBlue training is completed.
Lastly, one thing The Airline Academy fails to mention before you commit yourself to their program, is the fact that 70% of your pilots and airline attendants live very transient lifestyles. Meaning, if you don't already live in Atlanta, Chicago, Washington D.C., Dallas/Ft. Worth, Las Vegas, or New York City be prepared to move and live a very nomadic life. If you don't believe me just ask someone "what are things like for new hires?" the next time you travel. Furthermore, the recruiters for The Airline Academy are not very helpful because they are your stereotypical salesmen and will tell you anything you want to hear just to get you to sign on the dotted line.
In conclusion, while The Airline Academy definitely has an issue with full disclosure by not providing open transparency to it's students, they have an additional problem with their program's chronology. The sequential permutation or moving the goal post as it may by withholding diplomas after graduation is immoral just as concealing vital information from students is as well. Since my attendance at the school I have voiced my grievances to them. The overall response I got from them was denial, lies, and a general dismissal of my claims. Nevertheless, the school has informed me that they will make major improvements during the weeks they do not have students on the property (December 2011); but only time will tell. Anyhow, as the saying goes "let the buyer beware".
I am so disgusted
ReplyDeleteChristmas 2016
DeleteShooting at the Sun n Surf, Airline Academy Fake Program
Thank You ! for your Blog, its nice to know I’m not the only victim of the Airline Academy. I lost $7000 !
To me-
The Airline Academy is the Original Grinch Gangsters that stole Christmas!
The Airline Academy stole my $7000 Christmas money that I saved for years for education in hopes for my family to have a better life.
What a Scam!
Did you get a certification in flight attendant training , NONE of us did in my class!
So glad you mentioned the Sun n Surf- What a Dump! How did this shack ever get passed the EPA. I heard the Owners wife-‘Bill’ and Jill Stephens was even a Realtor . Shouldn’t she know better to House Students in an Environmental hazard like this joint.
I hesitated for a while to say anything about this scam, because the Airline Academy staff was adamant to threaten the students, Not to post any negative comments about this fake flight attendant program, or we would never be hired in the Airline Industry! & This is not right.
So glad you mentioned the Sun n Surf- What a Dump! How did this shack ever get passed the EPA. I heard the Owners wife-‘Bill’ and Jill Stephens was even a Realtor . Shouldn’t she know better to House Students in an Environmental hazard like this joint.
I hesitated for a while to say anything about this scam, because the Airline Academy staff was adamant to threaten the students, Not to post any negative comments about this fake flight attendant program, or we would never be hired in the Airline Industry! & This is not right.
Shooting at the Sun n Surf motel
Check out-
There is a Scandalous News Report 2013 found on the Internet on The Sun n Surf motel- Heather Beaver Shooting 2013 Daytona Beach Fl.
Just to show how shady this joint is that the Airline Academy called
‘Student Housing’ check out the dangerous environment that the Airline Academy had their students in.
There should be a lot of mad parents who had no idea that this school was subjecting their kids to danger. Not to mention Disease and infection from the mold and pestilence from the Broke down motel.
The Airline Academy did not waste ill-gotten gains to Redo this shack. They knew it was hopeless!! Why spend student education funds to fix up a dump? Right!
They need all the cash they can get to keep up their fancy life styles While they can and live in Million dollar homes that they purchased with our stolen education funds, What a joke!
These people should be behind bars, and well, I guess time will tell.
Vengeance is the Lords, KJV
Hello past students you may want to contact a great public interest Lawyer with lots of clout and a warchest to go against these types of scammers. Florida is a hotbed for all types of fraudulent business shells. I recommend you get in contact with a powerful Florida lawyer named Mike Papantonio. They have a free case evaluation, If his office can't help they can get you in touch with one that will go after these guys.
DeleteGood luck and please stay clear of these types of phony operators.
Thanks for getting te Truth Out!!!!
DeleteYour right !
Jet Blue U and The Airline Academy are Racketeerscin Crime
Do Not Waste your Good Cash!
This is a Shady Scam who is Posing as A Flight Attendant SCHOOL??
NOWAY ---THIS IS A diploma mill.. a fake flight attendant school.
They are committing crimes such as Identity Theft
By Posing as FAA officials,
They pose as flight attendants and pilots who are Not affiliated with the FAA, at all times know they are not Qualified to license none as Flight Attendants
They are Con Artist who obtain your personal identification information
Under false Pretenses !!
Lock them Up!!!!
Total RippOffffff !!!!!!
DeleteThe Airline Academy/ Jet Blue U
William f ,Stephen's and wife Jillian Micker Stephen's know that the Airline Academy
Is not A Certified Accredeted school by the DOE
-this is not An FAA Licensed
Certified Flight Attendant School
-The ,,ConArtist Recruiters Obtained /Stole my SSI. Information personal banking information under False Pretenses by Posing ad a FAA official
Lock Them Up !!!
Make the World a better Place
Thank you so much... I almost got my self ripped off. God bless you for standing up and not keeping quiet. It is hard enough , with the present economy to find a job. But it disgusts me how those seeking and in need are preyed upon. :(
ReplyDeleteYou're very welcome. I'm happy to be of help.
DeleteIs there any recomend I.go.and train at for fa
ReplyDeleteFirst and foremost thank you for reading my review. For those you who insist on working in the airline industry I know can be helpful. Furthermore, I know there are some Facebook profiles out there that are equally helpful just as well. However, I don't have a Facebook account so you will have to hunt them down for yourself.
DeleteLastly, I can't emphasize enough that The Airline Academy is a "for profit" school, so they WILL tell you anything to get your business. I truly wish someone had taken the time out write an in depth review before I had dropped a load of money on The Airline Academy. Anyhow, the only honest advantage The Airline Academy provides is that they ensure that your resume and application will not be overlooked and that the rest is up to the applicant.
In conclusion, one thing I didn't mention in my review is that airline companies place a very strong emphasis on appearances. Some airline companies have very strict policies against body art i.e. visible tattoos & body piercings and they will not hire such applicants. Some airlines will go so far as to look over applicants with more than one ear piercing per ear or someone with an unconventional hairstyle or color. Therefore, the next time you go to the airport, take some time out to ask an employee a lot of questions. In fact, it may be to your best interest to take a special trip to your local airport to just ask questions. Nevertheless, I hope I answered your question to satisfaction. If you have more question please don't hesitate to ask.
I cant help but freak out that I'm looking for grants to pay off my tuition basically for no reason because this academy is a you have any advice about how to get out of the academy? I'm currently doing the home studies and I thought this was a great place to further my education but after reading how the living spaces aren't as clean and nice as they made it seem, I don't even want to go to Daytona Beach now or end up losing over $8000.
ReplyDeleteHello, I'm sorry you fallen for The Airline Academy's scheme. My intent and purpose for putting this blog up is to provide everyone with information regarding the Academy that are considering enrollment in The Airline Academy. As I mentioned in my blog I want to provide everyone with an honest account of what my classmates and I had to endure so that nobody else will fall victim to the Academy's scheme.
ReplyDeleteJust like yourself I paid eight thousand dollars for a job opportunity that will not be compatible with my goals. My recruiter told me that airline attendants work an average of ninety hours per month which would allow me to attend college full time and bring home a full time pay check but this is not true. Eight thousand dollars is far too much money to pay any institution for a guaranteed interview with an airline company. Eight thousand dollars can pay for an associates degree from your local community college and you'll can potentially make more money and have more job security than an attendant.
Nevertheless, to answer your question. If your only concern is with the student housing you don't have to stay at the Sun & Surf Motel. In my particular group there were four classmates that made housing arrangements prior to arriving in Daytona. There are locals in Daytona that rent rooms out of their homes at a considerably cheaper cost than the Sun & Surf. Renting a room from a private home owner can be very safe and advantageous; as you won't be subjected to so many rules and risk getting kicked out of the program all together for a minor violation.
In conclusion, I wish I could advise you on a way to get out of your contract. Honestly, the only thing I can recommend is to call them up and ask them if you can get a full refund because you have changed your mind. After all the only thing they can tell you "no." Anyhow, good luck.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteA friend referred me to because I told her of my interest to be a flight attendant. With anything I always check for reviews, and I'm so grateful to have come across your blog before I invested $8000 of money that I don't have. My question is how do they get to get away with the unfair prctice and also living arrangements and still stay in business? I've checked their facebook account, and they've gotten great reviews. I just want to thank you for posting this information for others to see.
ReplyDeleteYou're very welcome! To answer your question I reported the Academy to the State of Florida's Department of Education, The Commission for Independent Education, The National Assocation of State Boards of Education, The National Consumer Law Center, and The State Attorney General. None of these outlets could be of any help because the Academy is a for-profit school and they don't have jurisdiction over such institutions.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I have a theory as for why you don't see very many complaints regarding the Academy. I was 37 years old when I attended the Academy and there were only three others that were older than me. Nevertheless, the majority of students that attend the Academy are between the ages of 18 to 21 years old. Most of these young adults are not very outspoken in voicing their complaints. This is especially true when young adults are still quite naive or when they have been brought up not to challenge their elders such as the staff of the Academy. I can't help but think that the Academy takes dishonest advantage over so many young adults; betting that they will not file formal complaints or rock the boat so to speak. Anyhow it's just a theory of mine.
As for the good reviews...I'm quite certain it's not at all coincidental every complaint you come across against the Academy on the net it's immediately rebutted with an over-the-top and glowing review of the Academy if you haven't already noticed. The end thank you for taking the time out to read my review!
Hey, i read your blog and i appreciate the time you took explaining this scam to the public. do you think it would be possible to file suit for misrepresentation?
DeleteI wish I would of read your blog months ago. My daughter signed up. She completed four book lessons and I checked into the school more because I felt we were mislead by Mr. Hebert (the one that came to our house for the interview). She paid $1808 already for doing four book lessons. We cancelled and they never asked why. Received a bill for another $900.00. Can you believe that for only doing four book lessons. I feel all they want is the money. I don't see how they can keep on getting away with this?
ReplyDeleteThey are going to get caught !
DeleteThey will
This is a
Racketeers In Organized Crime Syndacate
These are Con Artist
Every one of them!
They are always looking over
Their shoulder to see who
Is going to take them down !
Criminals like these have made a lot of Enemy's !!!
They are Evil ��
Go to
The Airline Academy Exposed on
VictIM Students are speaking Out!
You keep spreading the word-
This may save another
From wasting their
Thanks for your
I had a visit today from Mr Hebert today for my wife and we enrolled her with the shool. I have read your blog but I was wondering if you got a job after ? I havent given them the money yet and have been looking around the net for information on them and the opinions are very split.
ReplyDeleteHello and thank you for taking the time out to read my blog. To answer your question I have chosen by my own free will not to pursue a job in the airline industry. In order to attend the Academy I quit my job of $40k/year only to learn later that I would have to take a substantial pay cut and that it would be mandatory for me to relocate to another city for a job in the airline industry (additional reasons are explained on my reply from August 19, 2012). However, as a graduate from the school I can still reference the school on a job application within the airline industry. The graduation certificate from the Academy is essentially moot for jobs outside of the airline industry. Nevertheless, I commend you on following up and doing your homework. I suggest reading the comments and replies prior to your own, just in case someone may have asked a question you haven't thought of asking yet. Moreover, I encourage you to feel free to ask me any other questions you may come up with later. Take care and thanks again.
DeleteI was considering a career in the airlines and came across The Airline Academy. I began doing my homework on the school. After reading your review, I am more aware of the scam that this is or could be. However, I am still very interested in a training program for the airlines. Is there any information or websites you can provide to me to help me further my education and career as a flight attendent? I am located in Tampa, FL area.
ReplyDeleteAlso, Do you think the educational learning aspect is worth the time through the airline academy or is the whole program a waste of time?
Thank you for your time and honesty.
Deleteso what your saying is... you didnt like it because the hotel rooms were dirty and you didnt want to move. So what about the people who don't care about moving and don't care about not living in a mansion for three weeks and just want to get better jobs?
DeleteActually what I'm saying is that the Academy isn't necessary for a job in the airline industry and that the school is a fraud. Every airline company will put you through their own regimen for training. The materials and curriculum from the Academy are subpar and/or outdated as was mentioned by Jet Blue instructors. The only purpose the Academy serves is a guaranteed job interview that's it. If you can afford to pay an exorbitant amount, i.e. tuition, for a job interview by all means do so. However, you'd be much better off doing what the rich do and hire yourself a headhunter to find you a job if you have money to throw away.
DeleteI didn't read all the fine print and I was scammed. I was told I had two years to pay for tutition. I get my first bill 30 days after using my savings for down payment with envelope stating second attempt. I would have never given up my savings without working, to begin a loan for training. I was told this career change is what I've been looking for. Not that I had to make payments while training. Mr. Hebert was very sly. When I called him, that sweet old grand father imagine went away quickly This situation was totally turned on me. Not being a good listener. I get part of my down payment back..$250.00 is kept for registration fee.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the blog incognito! Question1..Does EVERYBODY get an interview following the 3 day training? Question you know the restrictions when it comes to the background check? Lastly, im curious to knw why if the actually airline provides its own training why would this training be efficient? Thanks
ReplyDeleteHello you are very welcome. Some airline companies have age restrictions. So the elgibility of everyone getting an interview depends on which airline companies come to the interview day. Secondly, I honestly can't provide any evidence pertaining to the criteria of background checks that airline companies perform on applicants. According to the Airline Academy, ever since 9/11 airline companies perform very rigorous background checks that are comparible to the Federal Government. Lastly, the Airline Academy is a for-profit "institution." The training that the Airline Academy provides you with is not necessary because airline companies will STILL train you per their specifications, thus making the Airline Academy moot.
DeleteThis schools takes advantage of people of all ages and they need to be stopped ASAP!!
ReplyDeleteYou are absolutely right Anonymous. I have been considering a class action suit against the school if I can get enough people to participate. If you are interested you may submit your information, i.e. name and contact, as a comment and I will contact you privately. All comments submitted on this blog are screened so I assure you that your privacy will be kept confidential.
DeleteIncognito.....thanks for all your info. My wife had a recruiter come to our house just yesterday (she was 74 years old, & said she'd been with the company since 1972!) , promising amazing salaries, becoming qualified for just about any job in the airline industry, etc. My red flags went up immediately, & I got online to find what I could, & it is just as you described. I even called Jet Blue & spoke with an employee-they'd never heard of the company, and also mentioned that each airline trains their employees for free, like any other company. As one other poster mentioned, it's absolutely atrocious how companies like this prey upon those people desperate to either get a job, or get into the airline industry, as my wife wants to, & quit her present job. In this day & age, it would appear that these companies can somehow slip through legal loopholes, allowing them to quite literally steal thousands of dollars from unsuspecting, hopeful's difficult to understand, with the internet being what it is, how they can continue to fool so many people. But I'm sure your post has saved many from wasting their $$$ on this terrible certainly helped to make up our minds-thank you!
DeleteI am happy to be of service. If people take the time out to do just a little background research on this business they can save themselves a lot of heartache in addition to money as well. Because we live in a consumer based society most of us struggle to make ends meet and can't afford to throw away good money after the bad. The Airline Academy's predatory business practices takes dishonest advantage over good people trying to better their lives. The only way we consumers can possibly overcome such businesses is to raise awareness and warn others of these illicit businesses. At any rate, thank you for reading my blog.
DeleteYou do not need to attend this school to become a flight attendant. It's a complete fraud! The airline that hires you will train you. I have no clue why this school is in operation.
ReplyDeleteDo you have any other suggestions for flight attendant schooling?
ReplyDeleteI do! Apply for the job. If you are hired you will be trained AND PAID while doing it.
DeleteThank you to the person who wrote this review and thank you to the many others who have written reviews! We had filled out information while researching the Flight Attendant Career and I believe that is how the Academy found us. The red flags went up immediately when we received a phone call from a nice woman who said my daughter was "chosen" and was "perfect" for a flight attendant position, and that she was "saving" a spot for my daughter "but space fills up quickly so you need to act NOW" and "normally I don't talk to girls as young as your daughter but I can tell she is SERIOUS about her future and I am making an exception" etc. She was very nice and spent a lot of time with us on the phone. I believed every word she said about the job placement rate and the rating with the BBB but still.....what is the rush? She sent the "application" and a note to please pay the down payment of $800 immediately because "space is limited and I am holding a special spot". I googled this establishment and found one video in which a man was talking for only a few minutes. There was no video tour and only one photo of the "housing". I started reading the reviews....several by the way....took me about two hours to read them all and decided there was no way we were going to pay $8000. What the blazes is the $8000 going toward? There are 12 lessons to be done at home so there is no teacher to pay. The 4 weeks in Daytona doesn't include "housing" or meals? Someone is getting rich. If this establishment has been in business since 1992 and they are charging each student that much money why isn't there a permanent housing complex? Why a MOTEL? And a very, very cheap one at that. The lady on the phone mentioned that we would have sent our daughter away to college anyway so "why not send her to this academy?" That is a very, very good point people! Indeed, treat this like any other college! Take an on-campus tour! Inspect the housing! Ask questions! Read reviews! We did and decided this was not for us. The nice lady on the phone suddenly turned very sour and curt. Spouting off about a 3 year waiting list and how she was going to give my daughter's 'special spot to someone else", and by the way, "good luck and God Bless you." Yeah. May God Bless you too're going to need it.
ReplyDeleteIn the usual course of business there will always be one person who will never be happy. There is a problem when there are several, and I mean SEVERAL people who were not happy with the Airline Academy. There are many negative reviews followed by an immediate rebuttal from a representative of the Airline Academy stating that the claims are not true. Many of the over the top reviews are worded in such a way that it appears they are written by an Airline Academy staff member. I call this too much traffic. I am out. Thank you everyone for taking the time to write.
ReplyDelete**LEGAL ACTION ALERT** concerning
in Daytona Beach, Florida.
Stundents can also contact Pam Bond .
DeleteThis case is still on going !!!!!
We need to stand together !!!!!!!!!
The Airline Academy Lied to Me !!!!!!!
DeleteIs the link to submit your complaint .
If any more of those staff members try to combat your complaints online, post the following link as a response and see who gets the last laugh.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis case is still on going !!!!
ReplyDeletePlease submit your complaint to
To State Attorney General Pam Bondi
I took our a Sallie Mae private student loan for this sketchy school! I was only 19 and was told I could get a job in the airline at that age and I was wrong. Im now in student debt for a school that has done nothing but get me in debt. I was told to apply to any airline and we would just contact our recruiter at the airline academy and she would get us in at the airline we applied for and i was mislead. I sent her numerous emails and called her multiple times but she never responded. I have also already filled put the compalint form and i have heard nothing. I went to the school january of 2015. And i filled the complaint form sometime last year and i have heard nothing back. My job is not the greatest and i cant pay back my student loan. When Lance came to me to recruite me to the airline academy i was pretty much forced to take the student loan and was told that once i got a job in the airline industry that i would have no problem paying the loan back. I live pay check to pay check and im going to be in default of the loan. PLEASE DO NOT GO TO THIS SCHOOL.
ReplyDeleteWow, this is just crazy. I recently submitted some interest in the airline academy I received a call & the guy just tore me apart. It was the most confusing phone call, he told me I got to a dump of a college & that I'll never get a job. I really want to report him to someone, I didn't catch his name but I have his phone number he called me from. He was beyond disrespectful.
ReplyDeleteThe Airline Academy is
ReplyDeleteA Scam
owners/ William Frank Stephens
Jillian Micker Stephens
Cynthia Fisher Stephens
Eric Fisher husband
Kathy Tidwell Stanford Tidwell
Sharon Roe
Lance Shurtleff
Racketeers In Organized Crime Syndacate
Not Accredited/ Interstate Commerce / with recruiters all through America
Do NOT Waste your hard earned cash on These Trash!!!
This is a Fake Flight Attendant School
Posing as a 'Airline' that can
provide a person with a CERTIFICATION in
Flight Attending
this is a Racketeer Organization
that is not accredited by the FAA
it is not a Licensed Airline by the FAA
not is this a Certified Flight Attendant school !!!!
These are Con Artist
that charge $7000.00 (4 week ) program
that is in Daytona Beach
its a SCAM
because they are not Licensed to provide anyone with
any kind of flight attendant training
Pass it ON!!!
JohnDoe RICO
The Scam at the Airline Academy
ReplyDeleteIs still operating
Thousands have been prey to these Predators
So thankful for your blog!
These are Co Artist (Recruiters)
Of this
So called Flight Attendant training school
Hmmm- when no one at this street school
Is Accredited or License by the FAA or DOE to provide Federal training for anything
Cause it's a FAKE school !
Don't waste your good money!